Do you have the days when you pull into the driveway and think - "Oh darn, I forgot mom's prescriptions. I also didn't get the bed liners - and Oh NO! I forgot the Depends!"
You are tired, so tired. You make your lists, but you have to rush because you only have a short amount of time to leave your loved one in the care of someone, perhaps a generous neighbor while you run errands or sometimes even leave them by themselves while you are out, with one part of your mind on what you need to get and the other part of your mind thinking "I hope they are OK".
I pose this question, because if you are reading this blog, then you can learn how to save yourself time and money. I will share with you such a simple idea I provide my clients ... shopping online. Before you say "I can't do it," "there are all those sites, I don't want to bother" ... just stay with me for a few moments.
I helped put together a list for my clients - things we just discussed ... things like
- get the prescriptions filled on line and get them delivered
- purchase safety handle for the bathroom and a larger non-slip tub liner
- order baby wipes and Depends (or any other brand of "adult protection")
- order skin lotion - we don't want any cracked skin - especially in this cold weather
- purchase liquid meal supplements for the days someone you care for just doesn't feel like eating, but you know they need something - and sometimes it is easier to drink something than chew and swallow food.
Nowadays there are hundred of on line sites that can give you one stop shopping, from Drugstore.com to Amazon.com to your favorite grocery chain. ALMOST everything can be delivered, and the point is that you CAN save time and money by shopping online. If you go to a site, you can often compare prices and find the product best for you, or the one that offers free delivery, or the one that can get you what you need by tomorrow.
For example, I found that one problem that some caregivers came to me with is “the person I care for has to take so many pills – and when it comes to the vitamins –they just can’t take more pills. What should I do?” First of course is to talk with your health care provider. But I found that there are wonderful vitamins that come in powder form and need only to be mixed with a bit of water and helped solve the problem taking more pills! And I found I starting taking the vitamins too, it was so easy. And it became something I did with my loved one, my mom, every morning.
The point is that – during the “ask yourself a question day” – ask yourself what can you do to make your caregiving a little bit easier? Maybe it is actually possible to use this darn computer for something that will help you and save you time.
And NO – I don’t get paid by the stores … I just want to make things easier for us caregivers. Because I remember the nights I got home and realized I forgot the major thing I needed. Or went to the store and could not remember what I was there to buy!
So try on line shopping and let me know what you think. I can recommend all kinds of products I know work and have made a difference to other caregivers. But always, always check with your doctor first....they can help you with prescription medicine ordering and home delivery as well as about anything else, including meal supplements and vitamins.
So … as the old saying used to go … try it, you’ll like it! Try on line shopping and put your feet up and have some coffee or tea while you are shopping. Please let me know if I can help you. Try on line shopping and I hope the sites you find can help you as much as it has helped others – and saves you time and energy. Something caregivers desperately need!